Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required by the body for its normal growth and development.
Vitamin C is best known for its health and skin benefits. It is present in high amounts in many fruits and vegetables, such as Guava, Orange, Papaya, Broccoli, and Kale. Apart from its natural form, it can be taken as a supplement, in form of tablets or capsules. Or applied topically on skin in form of serums. A serum is the most effective way to directly transfer the Vitamin to the skin, making it the best option to reap Vitamin C’s skincare benefits.
Here are 7 interesting Vitamin C Benefits for Skin you would love to know.
#1: Vitamin C helps reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen and helps prevent fine line and wrinkles.
Collagen is a protein responsible for the skin’s elasticity, structure, texture, and strength. As we age, our body start losing collagen. Lower levels of collagen result in loss of skin elasticity and formation of wrinkles. Vitamin C boosts the production of collagen and prevents our skin from sagging.
#2: Vitamin C protects the Skin against Sun Damage
Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It protects the skin from sun damage and damage from other environmental aggregators, such as heat and pollution.
However, it is important to note that Vitamin C is not a sunscreen. It does not absorb the harmful UVA or UVB rays. Rather, Vitamin C’s antioxidant nature helps reduce the damage caused by UV-induced free radicals.
Did You Know?
UV light reduces the Vitamin C content present in the skin. Due to this reason, Vitamin C should be applied topically after exposure to the sunlight, or used with an SPF for better protection.
#3: Vitamin C helps lighten Under-Eye Circles
Dark circles are formed when the network of blood vessels under the eyes show up more prominently. This happens when the skin becomes thin or dull, or the vessels gets enlarged.
Vitamin C helps strengthen the skin beneath the eyes by increasing the collagen production in body. It also improves blood circulation that helps in reducing the appearance of dark circles to some extent.
#4: Vitamin C helps prevent Dry Skin condition
Studies have suggested that topical use of Vitamin C increases the production of lipids responsible for maintaining a healthy moisture barrier. Moisture barrier is an outer layer in the skin that prevents the moisture, specifically water, from evaporating into the external environment through a process called trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL).
#5: Vitamin C reduces Dark Spots and Hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation is a condition in which some areas of skin appear darker in colour than the normal skin tone. It occurs when the skin cells produce too much of melanin – a pigment that determines the colour of the skin.
Hyperpigmentation may be caused due to overexposure to sunlight, skin inflammation, hormonal changes, use of certain drugs, or other medical conditions. Although harmless, hyperpigmentation makes the skin look uneven and dull.
Vitamin C slows down the activity of tyrosinase enzyme responsible for melanin production in the body. It thus prevents hyperpigmentation, helps lighten dark spots, and even out skin tone.
#6: Vitamin C aids Wound Healing
Vitamin C accelerate the production of collagen – the main structural protein of the connective tissues. Collagen is also responsible for giving the human skin its tensile (mechanical) strength. It thus triggers the skin to repair/ regenerate tissues and heal itself.
#7: Vitamin C helps Treat Acne
Acne is a skin condition characterized by the presence of inflamed bumps on the skin that are clogged by oil, dead skin cells, or bacteria.
Owing to the fact that Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it has anti-inflammatory properties. It neutralizes free radicals and reduces inflammation caused by acne.
Also Read: 7 Natural Remedies For Acne Treatment.
Final Take
Adding a Vitamin C Serum to your skincare routine definitely improves your skin health. However, care must be taken while using it on daily basis. An effective Vitamin C Serum should have a concertation between 10 to 20%. Serums with high concentration are enough to use once a day. Always perform a patch test before trying a new serum.